SQL 2003 (Annex F, Table 35) Feature Taxonomy for Features Outside Core SQL

Derived from Final Committee Draft (FCD) of ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003.

Number Feature ID Feature Name
1 B021 Direct SQL
2 B031 Basic dynamic SQL
3 B032 Extended dynamic SQL
4 B032-01 <describe input> statement
5 B033 Untyped SQL-invoked function arguments
6 B034 Dynamic specification of cursor attributes
7 B041 Extensions to embedded SQL exception declarations
8 B051 Enhanced execution rights
9 F032 CASCADE drop behavior
10 F033 ALTER TABLE statement: DROP COLUMN clause
11 F034 Extended REVOKE statement
12 F034-01 REVOKE statement performed by other than the owner of a schema object
13 F034-02 REVOKE statement: GRANT OPTION FOR clause
14 F034-03 REVOKE statement to revoke a privilege that the grantee has WITH GRANT OPTION
15 F052 Intervals and datetime arithmetic
16 F053 OVERLAPS predicate
17 F111 Isolation levels other than SERIALIZABLE
18 F111-01 READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level
19 F111-02 READ COMMITTED isolation level
20 F111-03 REPEATABLE READ isolation level
21 F121 Basic diagnostics management
22 F121-01 GET DIAGNOSTICS statement
23 F121-02 SET TRANSACTION statement: DIAGNOSTICS SIZE clause
24 F171 Multiple schemas per user
25 F191 Referential delete actions
26 F222 INSERT statement: DEFAULT VALUES clause
27 F231 Privilege tables
28 F231-01 TABLE_PRIVILEGES view
30 F231-03 USAGE_PRIVILEGES view
31 F251 Domain support
32 F262 Extended CASE expression
33 F271 Compound character literals
34 F281 LIKE enhancements
35 F291 UNIQUE predicate
36 F301 CORRESPONDING in query expressions
37 F302 INTERSECT table operator
38 F302-01 INTERSECT DISTINCT table operator
39 F302-02 INTERSECT ALL table operator
40 F304 EXCEPT ALL table operator
41 F312 MERGE statement
42 F321 User authorization
43 F341 Usage tables
44 F361 Subprogram support
45 F381 Extended schema manipulation
46 F381-01 ALTER TABLE statement: ALTER COLUMN clause
47 F381-02 ALTER TABLE statement: ADD CONSTRAINT clause
48 F381-03 ALTER TABLE statement: DROP CONSTRAINT clause
49 F391 Long identifiers
50 F392 Unicode escapes in identifiers
51 F393 Unicode escapes in literals
52 F401 Extended joined table
55 F401-03 UNION JOIN
56 F401-04 CROSS JOIN
57 F402 Named column joins for LOBs, arrays, and multisets
58 F411 Time zone specification
59 F421 National character
60 F431 Read-only scrollable cursors
61 F431-01 FETCH with explicit NEXT
62 F431-02 FETCH FIRST
63 F431-03 FETCH LAST
64 F431-04 FETCH PRIOR
67 F441 Extended set function support
68 F442 Mixed column references in set functions
69 F451 Character set definition
70 F461 Named character sets
71 F491 Constraint management
72 F502 Enhanced documentation tables
75 F502-03 SQL_PACKAGES view
76 F521 Assertions
77 F531 Temporary tables
78 F555 Enhanced seconds precision
79 F561 Full value expressions
80 F571 Truth value tests
81 F591 Derived tables
82 F611 Indicator data types
83 F641 Row and table constructors
84 F651 Catalog name qualifiers
85 F661 Simple tables
86 F671 Subqueries in CHECK
87 F672 Retrospective check constraints
88 F691 Collation and translation
89 F692 Enhanced collation support
90 F693 SQL-session and client module collations
91 F701 Referential update actions
92 F711 ALTER domain
93 F721 Deferrable constraints
94 F731 INSERT column privileges
95 F741 Referential MATCH types
96 F751 View CHECK enhancements
97 F761 Session management
98 F771 Connection management
99 F781 Self-referencing operations
100 F791 Insensitive cursors
101 F801 Full set function
102 F813 Extended flagging - Part 1, Subclause 8.1.4, "SQL flagger": With 'level of flagging' specified to be Core SQL Flagging and 'extent of checking' specified to be Catalog Lookup
103 F821 Local table references
104 F831 Full cursor update
105 F831-01 Updateable scrollable cursors
106 F831-02 Updateable ordered cursors
107 S023 Basic structured types
108 S024 Enhanced structured types
109 S025 Final structured types
110 S026 Self-referencing structured types
111 S027 Create method by specific method name
112 S028 Permutable UDT options list
113 S041 Basic reference types
114 S043 Enhanced reference types
115 S051 Create table of type
116 S071 SQL paths in function and type name resolution
117 S081 Subtables
118 S091 Basic array support
119 S091-01 Arrays of built-in data types
120 S091-02 Arrays of distinct types
121 S091-03 Array expressions
122 S092 Arrays of user-defined types
123 S094 Arrays of reference types
124 S095 Array constructors by query
125 S096 Optional array bounds
126 S097 Array element assignment
127 S111 ONLY in query expressions
128 S151 Type predicate
129 S161 Subtype treatment
130 S162 Subtype treatment for references
131 S201 SQL-invoked routines on arrays
132 S201-01 Array parameters
133 S201-02 Array as result type of functions
134 S202 SQL-invoked routines on multisets
135 S211 User-defined cast functions
136 S231 Structured type locators
137 S232 Array locators
138 S233 Multiset locators
139 S241 Transform functions
140 S242 Alter transform statement
141 S251 User-defined orderings
142 S261 Specific type method
143 S271 Basic multiset support
144 S272 Multisets of user-defined types
145 S274 Multisets of reference types
146 S275 Advanced multiset support
147 S281 Nested collection types
148 T011 Timestamp in Information Schema
149 T031 BOOLEAN data type
150 T041 Basic LOB data type support
151 T041-01 BLOB data type
    - Subclause 5.2, "<token> and <separator>": The <reserved word>s BINARY, BLOB, LARGE, and OBJECT
    - Subclause 5.3, "<literal>": <binary string literal>
    - Subclause 6.1, "<data type>": The BINARY LARGE OBJECT data type
    - Subclause 6.28, "<string value expression>": For values of type BINARY LARGE OBJECT
    - Subclause 13.6, "Data type correspondences": Type correspondences for BINARY LARGE OBJECT for all supported languages
152 T041-02 CLOB data type
    - Subclause 5.2, "<token> and <separator>": The <reserved word>s CHARACTER, CLOB, LARGE, and OBJECT
    - Subclause 6.1, "<data type>": The CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT data type
    - Subclause 6.28, "<string value expression>": For values of type CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT
    - Subclause 13.6, "Data type correspondences": Type correspondences for CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT for all supported languages
    - The automatic casting among the character types supported by subfeature E021-11 is extended to support the CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT type
153 T041-03 POSITION, LENGTH, LOWER, TRIM, UPPER, and SUBSTRING functions for LOB data types
    - Subclause 6.27, "<numeric value function>": The <position expression> for expressions of type BINARY LARGE OBJECT and CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT
    - Subclause 6.27, "<numeric value function>": The <char length function> for expressions of type CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT
    - Subclause 6.27, "<numeric value function>": The <octet length function> for expressions of type BINARY LARGE OBJECT and CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT
    - Subclause 6.29, "<string value function>": The <fold> function for expressions of type CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT
    - Subclause 6.29, "<string value function>": The <trim function> for expressions of type CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT
    - Subclause 6.29, "<string value function>": The <blob trim function>
    - Subclause 6.29, "<string value function>": The <character substring function> for expressions of type CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT
    - Subclause 6.29, "<string value function>": The <blob substring function>
154 T041-04 Concatenation of LOB data types
    - Subclause 6.28, "<string value expression>": The <concatenation> expression for expressions of type CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT
    - Subclause 6.28, "<string value expression>": The <blob concatenation> expression
155 T041-05 LOB locator: non-holdable
    - Subclause 13.3, "<externally-invoked procedure>": <locator indication>
    - Subclause 14.14, "<free locator statement>"
156 T042 Extended LOB data type support
157 T051 Row types
158 T052 MAX and MIN for row types
159 T053 Explicit aliases for <all fields reference>
160 T061 UCS support
161 T071 BIGINT data type
162 T111 Updatable joins, unions, and columns
163 T121 WITH (excluding RECURSIVE) in query expression
164 T131 Recursive query
165 T141 SIMILAR predicate
166 T151 DISTINCT predicate
167 T171 LIKE clause in table definition
168 T172 AS subquery clause in table definition
169 T173 Extended LIKE clause in table definition
170 T174 Identity columns
171 T175 Generated columns
172 T176 Sequence generator support
173 T191 Referential action RESTRICT
174 T201 Comparable data types for referential constraints
175 T211 Basic trigger capability
176 T211-01 Triggers activated on UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE of one base table.
177 T211-02 BEFORE triggers
178 T211-03 AFTER triggers
179 T211-04 FOR EACH ROW triggers
180 T211-05 Ability to specify a search condition that must be True before the trigger is invoked.
181 T211-06 Support for run-time rules for the interaction of triggers and constraints.
182 T211-07 TRIGGER privilege
183 T211-08 Multiple triggers for the same the event are executed in the order in which they were created in the catalog.
184 T212 Enhanced trigger capability
185 T231 Sensitive cursors
186 T241 START TRANSACTION statement
187 T242 Optional transaction modes in START TRANSACTION
188 T251 SET TRANSACTION statement: LOCAL option
189 T261 Chained transactions
190 T271 Savepoints
191 T272 Enhanced savepoint management
192 T281 SELECT privilege with column granularity
193 T301 Functional dependencies
194 T312 OVERLAY function
195 T322 Overloading of SQL-invoked functions and procedures
196 T323 Explicit security for external routines
197 T324 Explicit security for SQL routines
198 T325 Qualified SQL parameter references
199 T326 Table functions
200 T331 Basic roles
201 T332 Extended roles
202 T351 Bracketed SQL comments (/*...*/ comments)
203 T431 Extended grouping capabilities
204 T432 Nested and concatenated GROUPING SETS
205 T433 Multiargument GROUPING function
207 T441 ABS and MOD functions
208 T461 Symmetric <between predicate>
209 T471 Result sets return value
210 T491 LATERAL derived table
211 T501 Enhanced EXISTS predicate
212 T511 Transaction counts
213 T551 Optional key words for default syntax
214 T561 Holdable locators
215 T571 Array-returning external SQL-invoked functions
216 T572 Multiset-returning external SQL-invoked functions
217 T581 Regular expression substring function
218 T591 UNIQUE constraints of possibly null columns
219 T601 Local cursor references
220 T611 Elementary OLAP operations
221 T612 Advanced OLAP operations
222 T613 Sampling
223 T621 Enhanced numeric functions
224 T631 IN predicate with one list element
225 T641 Multiple column assignment
226 T651 SQL-schema statements in SQL routines
227 T652 SQL-dynamic statements in SQL routines

Please send feedback to Jonathan Leffler: jonathan.leffler@gmail.com .

@(#)$Id: sql-2003-noncore-features.html,v 1.3 2017/11/13 20:45:42 jleffler Exp $