Derived from file sql-2003-1.bnf version 1.4 dated 2017/11/14 06:53:22
Generated on 2017-11-14 06:53:25+00:00 by file version 3.16 dated 2017/11/14 06:53:22
Information taken from the Final Committee Draft (FCD) of ISO/IEC 9075-1:2003.
The plain text version of this grammar is sql-2003-1.bnf .
This material (starting with <SQL object identifier>) is defined in section 6.3 "Object Identifier for Database Language SQL" of ISO/IEC 9075-1:1999 (SQL Framework). It is used to express the capabilities of an implementation. The package names are identifiers such as 'PKG001', equivalent to 'Enhanced datetime facilities', as defined in the informative Annex B to SQL Framework. Each such package identifies a number of features that are provided when the SQL object identifier claims to provide the package.
<SQL object identifier> ::= <SQL provenance> <SQL variant>
<SQL provenance> ::= <arc1> <arc2> <arc3>
<arc1> ::= iso | 1 | iso <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<arc2> ::= standard | 0 | standard <left paren> 0 <right paren>
<arc3> ::= 9075
<SQL variant> ::= <SQL edition> <SQL conformance>
<SQL edition> ::= <1987> | <1989> | <1992> | <1999> | <2003>
<1987> ::= 0 | edition1987 <left paren> 0 <right paren>
<1989> ::= <1989 base> <1989 package>
<1989 base> ::= 1 | edition1989 <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<1989 package> ::= <integrity no> | <integrity yes>
<integrity no> ::= 0 | IntegrityNo <left paren> 0 <right paren>
<integrity yes> ::= 1 | IntegrityYes <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<1992> ::= 2 | edition1992 <left paren> 2 <right paren>
<SQL conformance> ::= <level> <bindings> <parts> <packages>
<level> ::= <low> | <intermediate> | <high>
<low> ::= 0 | Low <left paren> 0 <right paren>
<intermediate> ::= 1 | Intermediate <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<high> ::= 2 | High <left paren> 2 <right paren>
<1999> ::= 3 | edition1999 <left paren> 3 <right paren>
<2003> ::= 4 | edition2003 <left paren> 4 <right paren>
<bindings> ::= <module> <embedded> <direct> <invoked routine languages>
<module> ::= <module no> | <module languages> ...
<module languages> ::=
<module Ada>
| <module C>
| <module COBOL>
| <module Fortran>
| <module MUMPS>
| <module Pascal>
| <module PL/I>
<module Ada> ::=
1 | moduleAda <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<module C> ::=
2 | moduleC <left paren> 2 <right paren>
<module COBOL> ::=
3 | moduleCOBOL <left paren> 3 <right paren>
<module Fortran> ::=
4 | moduleFortran <left paren> 4 <right paren>
<module MUMPS> ::=
5 | moduleMUMPS <left paren> 5 <right paren>
<module Pascal> ::=
6 | modulePascal <left paren> 6 <right paren>
<module PL/I> ::=
7 | modulePLI <left paren> 7 <right paren>
<embedded> ::= <embedded no> | <embedded languages> ...
<embedded languages> ::=
<embedded Ada>
| <embedded C>
| <embedded COBOL>
| <embedded Fortran>
| <embedded MUMPS>
| <embedded Pascal>
| <embedded PL/I>
<embedded Ada> ::=
1 | embeddedAda <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<embedded C> ::=
2 | embeddedC <left paren> 2 <right paren>
<embedded COBOL> ::=
3 | embeddedCOBOL <left paren> 3 <right paren>
<embedded Fortran> ::=
4 | embeddedFortran <left paren> 4 <right paren>
<embedded MUMPS> ::=
5 | embeddedMUMPS <left paren> 5 <right paren>
<embedded Pascal> ::=
6 | embeddedPascal <left paren> 6 <right paren>
<embedded PL/I> ::=
7 | embeddedPLI <left paren> 7 <right paren>
<direct> ::= <direct yes> | <direct no>
<direct yes> ::=
1 | directyes <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<direct no> ::=
0 | directno <left paren> 0 <right paren>
<invoked routine languages> ::=
<invoked Ada>
| <invoked C>
| <invoked COBOL>
| <invoked Fortran>
| <invoked MUMPS>
| <invoked Pascal>
| <invoked PL/I>
<invoked Ada> ::=
1 | invokedAda <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<invoked C> ::=
2 | invokedC <left paren> 2 <right paren>
<invoked COBOL> ::=
3 | invokedCOBOL <left paren> 3 <right paren>
<invoked Fortran> ::=
4 | invokedFortran <left paren> 4 <right paren>
<invoked MUMPS> ::=
5 | invokedMUMPS <left paren> 5 <right paren>
<invoked Pascal> ::=
6 | invokedPascal <left paren> 6 <right paren>
<invoked PL/I> ::=
7 | invokedPLI <left paren> 7 <right paren>
<parts> ::=
<Part 3> <Part 4> <Part 7> <Part 9> <Part 10> <Part 11>
<Part n> ::= <Part n no> | <Part n yes>
<Part n no> ::= 0 | Part-nNo <left paren> 0 <right paren>
<Part n yes> ::= !! as specified in ISO/IEC 9075-n
<packages> ::= <Package PKGi> ...
<Package PKGi> ::=
<Package PKGiYes>
| <Package PKGiNo>
1 | PKG001 | Enhanced datetime facilities |
2 | PKG002 | Enhanced integrity management |
3 | PKG004 | PSM |
4 | PKG005 | CLI |
5 | PKG006 | Basic object support |
6 | PKG007 | Enhanced object support |
7 | PKG008 | Active database |
8 | PKG009 | SQL/MM support |
9 | PKG010 | OLAP |
The package called "Enhanced datetime facilities" comprises the following features of the SQL language as specified in the SQL Feature Taxonomy Annex of the various parts of ISO/IEC 9075.
Feature F052 | Intervals and datetime arithmetic |
Feature F411 | Time zone specification |
Feature F555 | Enhanced seconds precision |
The package called "Enhanced integrity management" comprises the following features of the SQL language as specified in the SQL Feature Taxonomy Annex of the various parts of ISO/IEC 9075.
Feature F191 | Referential delete actions |
Feature F521 | Assertions |
Feature F701 | Referential update actions |
Feature F491 | Constraint management |
Feature F671 | Subqueries in CHECK constraints |
Feature T201 | Comparable data types for referential constraints |
Feature T211 | Basic trigger capability |
Feature T212 | Enhanced trigger capability |
Feature T191 | Referential action RESTRICT |
The package called "PSM" comprises the following features of the SQL language as specified in the SQL Feature Taxonomy Annex of the various parts of ISO/IEC 9075.
Feature T322 | Overloading of SQL-invoked functions and SQL-invoked procedures |
Feature P001 | Stored modules |
Feature P002 | Computational completeness |
Feature P003 | Information Schema views |
The package called "CLI" comprises the following features of the SQL language as specified in the SQL Feature Taxonomy Annex of the various parts of ISO/IEC 9075.
Feature C011 | SQL/CLI |
Feature C021 | Automatic population of Implementation Parameter Descriptor |
Feature C041 | Information Schema data controlled by current privileges |
Feature C051 | GetData extensions |
Feature C061 | GetParamData extensions |
Feature C071 | Scroll Concurrency |
Feature C081 | Read-only data source |
The package called "basic object support" comprises the following features of the SQL language as specified in the SQL Feature Taxonomy Annex of the various parts of ISO/IEC 9075.
Feature S023 | Basic structured types |
Feature S041 | Basic reference types |
Feature S051 | Create table of type |
Feature S151 | Type predicate |
Feature T041 | Basic LOB data type support |
The package called "enhanced object support" comprises all of the features of the package called (Basic object support), plus the following features of the SQL language as specified in the SQL Feature Taxonomy Annex of the various parts of ISO/IEC 9075.
Feature S024 | Enhanced structured types |
Feature S043 | Enhanced reference types |
Feature S071 | SQL-paths in function and type name resolution |
Feature S081 | Subtables |
Feature S111 | ONLY in query expressions |
Feature S161 | Subtype treatment |
Feature S211 | User-defined cast functions |
Feature S231 | Structured type locators |
Feature S241 | Transform functions |
The package called "Active database" comprises the following features of the SQL language as specified in the SQL Feature Taxonomy Annex of the various parts of ISO/IEC 9075.
Feature T211 | Basic trigger capability |
The package called "OLAP" comprises the following features of the SQL language as specified in the SQL Feature Taxonomy Annex of the various parts of ISO/IEC 9075.
Feature T431 | Extended grouping capabilities |
Feature T611 | Elementary OLAP operators |
Keyword | Rules using it |
directno | <direct no> |
directyes | <direct yes> |
edition1987 | <1987> |
edition1989 | <1989 base> |
edition1992 | <1992> |
edition1999 | <1999> |
edition2003 | <2003> |
embeddedAda | <embedded Ada> |
embeddedC | <embedded C> |
embeddedCOBOL | <embedded COBOL> |
embeddedFortran | <embedded Fortran> |
embeddedMUMPS | <embedded MUMPS> |
embeddedPascal | <embedded Pascal> |
embeddedPLI | <embedded PL/I> |
High | <high> |
IntegrityNo | <integrity no> |
IntegrityYes | <integrity yes> |
Intermediate | <intermediate> |
invokedAda | <invoked Ada> |
invokedC | <invoked C> |
invokedCOBOL | <invoked COBOL> |
invokedFortran | <invoked Fortran> |
invokedMUMPS | <invoked MUMPS> |
invokedPascal | <invoked Pascal> |
invokedPLI | <invoked PL/I> |
iso | <arc1> |
Low | <low> |
moduleAda | <module Ada> |
moduleC | <module C> |
moduleCOBOL | <module COBOL> |
moduleFortran | <module Fortran> |
moduleMUMPS | <module MUMPS> |
modulePascal | <module Pascal> |
modulePLI | <module PL/I> |
Part-nNo | <Part n no> |
standard | <arc2> |